Glassheaded pins Koh-I-Noor 0,6x30mm box 100 grams (Mille=1000 pins)

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Glaskopspelden Koh-I-Noor 0,6x30mm doos 100 gram (Mille=1000 stuks) strijkvast Het doosje met 1000 glaskopspelden Glaskopspelden van prym Veel glaskopspelden
Variation: Glassheaded pins Koh-I-Noor 0,6x30mm box 100 grams (Mille=1000 pins)
Glaskopspelden Koh-I-Noor 0,6x30mm doos 100 gram (Mille=1000 stuks) strijkvast
Veel glaskopspelden in een doosje
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Product description

Glass headed pins have a head made of glass, not plastic. A plastic head can melt when in contact with an iron, then you get a plastic stain in your fabric that won't come out. That is why we only sell pins with glass heads or the steel headed pins. Steel headed pins have a small steel head, also called headless pins.

Glass head pins are the standard pins, our number one seller! Great pins to start out with, then to extend your supplies with thinner and longer pins by Clover or Prym.

A box of pins hold 100 grams, that's about a 1000 pins, the larger pack holds 10.000 pins...

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Product specification

Product number: 105.10769-352-51

Condition: Nieuw

Weight: 0,120


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Glassheaded pins Koh-I-Noor 0,6x30mm box 100 grams (Mille=1000 pins)
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Tailors chalk in new boxes

Tailors chalk in new boxes

Tailors chalk coloured and white

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Tailors chalk white and colours assorted box 25 pieces
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