Saba 120 universal sewingthread SKIN spool 1000m

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Saba 120 universal sewingthread SKIN spool 1000m
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Industrial spool universal sewing thread, nm 120. Spool of 1000m. Suitable for normal sewing machine

Product number



0,035 KG

Shipping costs

€ 4,99

Default delivery time

5 workdays

€ 4,85
excl. VAT
€ 5,87
incl. VAT
Price per spool

Stock : 2

The number of Beauty points granted for this product is 1
Variation: Saba 120 universal sewingthread SKIN spool 1000m

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Saba thickness 120 in color 260

The colours in Saba have the same numbers than seralon universal sewing thread, check the colour chart of seralon for the right shade. Click the link to check out the colour chart of seralon universal sewing thread

Saba sewing thread is a little thinner than seralon, where seralon is nm 100, saba is nm 120

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Suitable for use

on the sewingmachine on the sewingmachine
on the overlock / coverlock machine on the overlock / coverlock machine
with the iron with the iron

Raw materials

Polyester Polyester

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