Tailor's Ham body or pearshaped on foot strawfilling

The number of Beauty points granted for this product is 91
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Perskussen op bok lijf of peervorm Perskussen op bok lijf of peervorm Perskussen op bok lijf/peer vorm afmetingen van de lijf of peervormig perskussen op bok Groot perskussen op bok, lijkt op een lijf of peer kleermakerkussen op poot voor persen van kleding en naden Een professioneel perskussen op bok, deze is groot... Perskussen op bok lijf/peervorm Waar is een perskussen mee gevuld?
168,90 excl. VAT
204,37 incl. VAT
Price per piece
Shipping costs € 0,00
Default delivery time 5 workdays
Variation: Tailor's Ham body or pearshaped on foot strawfilling
Professionele schouderbok perskussen op poot
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Pros and cons:

product pro icon Stands firmly on it's foot
product pro icon Well stuffed, it doesn't get a dent when used
product pro icon Pressing your garment improves the endresult
product con icon It's large and awkward size makes it harder to store

Product description

TOur tailor's hams are handmadeailor's hams are available in many shapes and sizes. This body or pear shape is a good example of a tailor's ham on a foot. The foot gives it more stability on the ironing board or your table.

All our hams are handmade, this one is covered with linen and filled with sawdust. Size: approx. 60x30 cm

Choosing straw or straw / cork filling:

The corklayer prevents moisture build up by prolonged use your steamiron and in extreme cases mold forming inside the tailors ham.
Do you use the ham incidentally? The straw filled ham will do nicely. Are you a very frequent user than you might want to go with one of the straw and cork-layered hams

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Product number: 107.980peer85A

Condition: Nieuw

Weight: 8,500

Product features

Suitable for use

with the iron with the iron

Raw materials

Linen Linen
Straw Straw
Wood Wood
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Tailor's Ham body or pearshaped on foot strawfilling
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