Weaver scissors bent nickel plated 10 cm long - embroidery scissors specially for tailor and seamstress

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Weversschaar gebogen vernikkeld 10 cm lang Weversschaar gebogen vernikkeld 10 cm lang, de gebogen punt
19,98 excl. VAT
24,18 incl. VAT
Price per unit
Shipping costs € 5,28
Default delivery time 5 workdays
Variation: Weaver scissors bent nickel plated 10 cm long - embroidery scissors specially for tailor and seamstress
Gebogen borduurschaar van Silks
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Product description

Weaver scissors bent tip

The firm nickel plated bent weaver scissors are made of nickel coated steel and 10 cm long. These small scissors are embroidery scissors specially made for tailor and seamstress

Why the bent tips?

The tips of the professional weaversscissors are bent upwards a little. This gives you the room to cut close to the cloth. With a straight pair of scissors your fingers get in the way

Also available in straight version.

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Product number: 110.wevergebogen

Condition: Nieuw

Weight: 0,750

Product features

Raw materials

Metal Metal
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Weaver scissors bent nickel plated 10 cm long - embroidery scissors specially for tailor and seamstress
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Tailors chalk in new boxes

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